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Account-Based Marketing (with Hillary Carpio, Head of ABM at Snowflake)

Account-Based Marketing (with Hillary Carpio, Head of ABM at Snowflake)

Dave is joined by Hillary Carpio, Head of ABM at Snowflake for a deep dive on account-based marketing. Hillary runs a 20 person team focused on ABM at Snowflake today an she's also the author of the book "Busting Silos: How Snowflake Unites Sales & Marketing To Win Its Best Customers."

Hillary discusses how Snowflake has built an "account-based organization", ABM vs. Demand Generation, how to measure ABM, what an effective ABM campaign looks like, creating a tiered ABM strategy, how marketing exists to support sales at Snowflake and why it works, how tools like ChatGPT can help ABM marketers today.

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This episode of the Exit Five podcast is brought to you by our friends at Knak.  Launching an email or landing page in your marketing automation platform shouldn't feel like assembling an airplane mid flight with no instructions, but too often that's exactly how it feels.

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