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Marketing Snacks #5

Marketing Snacks #5

January 9, 2024

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🍿 Today's Snack 🍦

Two tips on how to make your podcast successful

Hey it’s me Dave.

I’m the founder over here at Exit Five and thought I would pop in to share a little marketing snack.

This week’s snack is about podcasting for B2B.


Here are two tips to make your podcast successful; or two tips to help you think about a podcast for your business.

1. Decide why you’re doing the podcast and think audience first.

Are you chasing this channel because everyone in your industry has one? Because some guy (cough, me) says podcasting is great on LinkedIn? Or do you have a good idea that will be interesting and compelling for your potential customers? 


Here you want to think audience first. Who is this for? How can you make a series that people can subscribe to or binge? If you can nail that concept, then the whole “podcasting” part becomes easy.

What’s the concept? Why would someone listen? What will they get/learn?

2. Think about business outcomes.


Podcasting does not have to be hard to measure. But you have to think about the measurement differently than a promotional channel or a direct response channel.


Podcasting is great for building new relationships. It’s great for being a “trojan horse” for content creation (the podcast can give you transcripts, videos, website content). It can help with pipeline creation and pipeline acceleration.


But most importantly it’s a channel that allows you to build awareness with the 95% of your potential customers who are not ready to buy right now…

Want to get in front of someone a year and half before they are ready to buy?

That’s where a podcast can be a great channel.

These tips were inspired by my conversation with Ian Faison (CEO of Caspian Studios) on episode #111 of the Exit Five podcast. Ian’s company works with top B2B brands on podcast and they recently created a narrative podcast that reached number one in the fiction category on Apple Podcasts called “Murder in HR”  - and they did this for a B2B SaaS brand. Very cool.


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