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The Exit Five Newsletter #53

Do Webinars Stink? What about Live Sessions?

Just call it a Live Session vs. a Webinar and boom, you're good right?

Hear me out:

I don't think there's anything wrong with a "webinar" it's just that so often the topic/content of said webinar is boring or not relevant so B2B marketers chalk up "webinars" to be an outdated tactic.

But we've been doing webinars at Exit Five for the last year and we get 800-1000 people registered for each session with 200-300 showing up live, plus then taking the recording and turning it into an episode of the Exit Five podcast.

Like anything in marketing the content and the offer matter most, but we obsess over the tactic or the channel.

Re-think your webinar strategy by focusing on the content and the audience.

1. What's a topic my ideal customer is very interested in right now?
2. How can I deliver that content in an entertaining and useful format?
3. How can I use the video/recording for more than one purpose?
4. How can I add in timely events to make it more relevant right now?
5. What can I do during the webinar to give people a reason to attend live?
6. Does it even matter if people show up live? What if 500 people in our ICP watched the webinar over the next 30 days, would that be more meaningful as having 37 people show up live?

I love webinars. You just have to spend more time on the content / offer and then it doesn't really matter what you call it.


- Dave

PS. reply back to talk about webinars and tell me your current strategy or if you agree/disagree here

Some Other Stuff For You

  1. What Does a Great CMO Do? My guest this week on the Exit Five podcast is Jon Miller, CMO at Demandbase and co-founder of Marketo and Engagio. 

    Jon is widely regarded as one of the top voices in B2B marketing and does not disappoint with this episode. We talk about what an effective CMO does, questions to ask the founders when taking a new CMO job and how to understand their view of marketing, why marketing is not a "gumball machine," the challenge with Marketing sourced revenue vs. Sales sourced revenue (and why Jon believes in team sourced revenue) and more.

  2. AI + Marketing - What's Really Working? We've been getting many questions about AI and actual use cases in B2B marketing beyond the threads and posts on LinkedIn about cool ways to use ChatGPT so TOMORROW we're doing a live session with Meghan Anderson (Head of Marketing at Jasper), Kelly Peters (Director of Marketing at Tomorrow.io) and Jessica Hreha (Global Campaigns at VMWare) to talk about what they are all doing / seeing with AI. Click here to register for this live session and also get the recording. Our panel of marketing leaders will share their perspectives on adopting AI and setting standards for its productive use in marketing today, including examples from how their teams are using AI to drive productivity and efficiency (and doing so in ways that go beyond generic AI use cases).
  3. Please join us in the new home for Exit Five (and our dedicated iOS + Android app) We have officially moved our community off of Facebook and over to Circle which gives us our own private community on the web and a dedicated mobile app for iOS and Android. It's bumping over there already and I've been loving the feedback from members so far. Here's a video overview from me breaking down the new Exit Five community. You can join the community right now for free with a 7 day free trial and then choose monthly or annual billing (or to not join) after your trial. Hope to see you in there.
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